Online gaming voice chat corpus with emotional label (OGVC)
Online gaming voice chat corpus with emotional label (OGVC) is an open-access speech corpus containing both spontaneous and acted speech and it’s emotional labels.
This corpus was partially constructed in the course of the Exploratory IT Human Resources Project (The MITOH Youth Program), “Development of anonymous voice chat system for online game (Project leader: Dr. Hiromi Kawatsu),” supported by Information-technology Promotion Agency.
The corpus consists of two speech materials, Naturalistic emotional speech and Acted emotional speech.
- Naturalistic emotional speech
This speech material contains 9,114 spontaneous utterances from five dyadic and one triad dialogues. To record spontaneous and NATURALISTIC emotional speech effectively, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) was adopted to stimulate players to express emotion. In addition, a voice chat system was used to record speaker’s spontaneous speech reflected his/her stimulated emotion.
Attention: The naturalistic emotional speech is delivered in a monaural sound file / speaker. You can merged into two monaural sound files into one stereo file
and can listen to it as if two speakers make a chat over the Internet. However, these files dose not includes any network delay, you can not reproduce the actual timing they make a chat. - Acted emotional speech
- This speech material contains 2,656 acted utterances spoken by four professional actors (two male and two female). Seventeen short dialogues were selected from the dialogues recorded for the naturalistic emotional speech. The actors were instructed to speak each utterance in the short dialog with a specific emotion in three different levels of emotional intensity.
How to get our corpus
The corpus is publicly available from Speech Resources Consortium at National Institute of Informatics (NII-SRC).

Ethics and privacy policy
This corpus contains daily conversations between the friends. From the perspective of personal information protection and human rights, all users of this corpus must observe the terms of following privacy policy:
- Speaker’s personal information, which obtained by analyzing the corpus, will be held in the strictest confidence.
- Speaker’s information, which is not officially included in the corpus, will not be public when you publish your work using this corpus.
- Moreover, any information, which allows other users to obtain speaker’s information not officially included in our corpus, will not be public.
Any discussions, critics, and opinions on the speaker’s utterances in our corpus, such as a correctness or an appropriateness of the facts of their conversations, will not be public.
The following papers precisely describe the recording environment, labeling method, statistics, and acoustic analysis of the corpus.
Y. Arimoto, H. Kawatsu, “Online game emotional speech corpus using voice chat,”
in Proceedings of 2013 Autumn Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan, 1-P-46a,
pp. 385-388, 2013. (in Japanese)
Y. Arimoto, H. Kawatsu, S. Ohno, and H. Iida, “Naturalistic emotional speech collection
paradigm with online game and its psychological and acoustical assessment,” Acoustical
Science and Technology, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 359-369, 2012.
Y. Arimoto, S. Ohno, and H. Iida, “Assessment of spontaneous emotional speech
database toward emotion recognition: Intensity and similarity of perceived emotion
from spontaneously expressed emotional speech,” Acoustical Science and Technology,
vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 26-29, 2011.
Y. Arimoto, H. Kawatsu, S. Ohno, and H. Iida, “Emotion recognition in spontaneous
emotional speech for anonymity-protected voice chat systems,” in Proceedings of Inter-
speech 2008, pp. 322-325, 2008.
H. Kawatsu, Y. Arimoto, and S. Ohno, “Development of Anonymous Voice Chat System
Conveying Emotional Information,” in Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference,
D-14-3, pp.176, 2008. (in Japanese)
Y. Arimoto, H. Kawatsu, S. Ohno, and H. Iida, “Designing emotional speech corpus
and its acoustic analysis : discrimination of one emotion appeared during the dialog
over voice chat system for MMORPG,” IPSJ SIG Notes 2008(12), pp.133-138, 2008. (in Japanese)
Contact information
For any other inquiries and comments on our corpus, please contact the following person:
Yoshiko Arimoto
email: ar(at)